Sunday Funday Take 01

Every Sunday I will attempt to try a Pinterest DIY to give it a whirl. I'll have a #pinterestfail first to save you the time and report back if the instructions are up to par. This weekend I tried a DELICIOUS rice cereal and marshmallow cake. I thought it turned out pretty darn cute if I say so myself.

I took it to work today to see if it passes the general public taste test, needless to say they were like kids at a party. Made my dad to make theirs. I think I may make this a weekly tradition :)

This is the first slice at work. I had to see how it looked cut.
AND to top off such a great monday We have an order for a little girl who does NOT like cake. Who would have thought such a thing existed.
Stay tuned for more Sunday Funday entries.
And check out OH Happy Day's blog post explaining how you can make your own rice cereal cake!
UPDATE: Mya's not cake cake